I buy and sell things that interest me! That includes physical media, electronics, sportscards, vintage toys and all things 80's!
To buy, visit my eBay page or my booth at Duck Crossing in Elizabethton, TN.
For fun, follow me on Instagram and TikTok.
To sell, here are some specific things I buy, email me:
- Music: Records, Cassettes, CDs, etc.
- Movies: VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, Video Disc, Blu-Ray, DVDs
- Audio electronics: Record players, Cassette players, Stereos, Vintage Hi-Fi, etc.
- Video electronics: VCRs, Betamax players, Vintage CRT TVs, etc.
- Video games: PC Games, Original NES (Nintendo), Atari, etc.
- Vintage sportscards: pre-1980 and serial numbered 1990s only.
- Vintage toys: usually 1970s and 1980s.
- 80's memorbilia! (especially Back to the Future, Showbiz Pizza and Swatch watches)